Panettone dumplings? Yes, with the right ingredients and the creative flair of an award-winning chef.

Chef and owner of the starred restaurant Lazzaro 1915, 1 Michelin star, in Pontelongo (Pd), Piergiorgio Siviero has been able to interpret panettone in his recipe “Loison Panettone dumplings with mandarin with soppressa and alpine Vezzena, green mandarin consommé”

To find out more about chef Piergiorgio Sivierio click here.

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The recipe
For this dish you can read the instructions below or follow the video recipe where the chef explains how to make it.
  • Ingredients
  • 4 servings
  • 250 g Loison Panettone with Late Mandarin from Ciaculli
  • 100 cl milk
  • 50 g grated Vezzena d'alpeggio
  • 30 g smoked bacon cut into cubes of about half a centimeter on each side
  • 1/2 egg yolk
  • A bunch of chives
  • Sarawak black pepper
  • Fine salt
  • Loison Panettone Powder with Late Ciaculli Mandarin
  • Yellow carrots and burnet
  • 200 cl completely defatted chicken or chicken broth (or vegetable broth)
  • 10 cl lemon juice
  • 50 cl green mandarin juice
  • 5 cl soy sauce
Remove the crust from the panettone, cut it into slices and dry in the oven at 75°C. Pour the milk brought to the boil into a bowl and add the dry panettone.
Let it rest for at least two hours. When the mixture is soft, add the Vezzena and 1/2 egg yolk. Season with salt and pepper. Add the smoked bacon and form the dumplings and chives.
Finally, roll them in the mandarin Panettone powder. Cook them as desired in a meat or chicken broth for 5/6 minutes, or steam lighter (8/9 minutes).
Add the lemon and mandarin juice and soy sauce to the fresh broth. Season with salt. Bring to the boil.
Place three dumplings in a bowl, pour in the boiling consommé, garnish with yellow carrot fillets and burnet leaves.
Enjoy your meal
  • Ingredients
  • 4 servings
  • 250 g Loison Panettone with Late Mandarin from Ciaculli
  • 100 cl milk
  • 50 g grated Vezzena d'alpeggio
  • 30 g smoked bacon cut into cubes of about half a centimeter on each side
  • 1/2 egg yolk
  • A bunch of chives
  • Sarawak black pepper
  • Fine salt
  • Loison Panettone Powder with Late Ciaculli Mandarin
  • Yellow carrots and burnet
  • 200 cl completely defatted chicken or chicken broth (or vegetable broth)
  • 10 cl lemon juice
  • 50 cl green mandarin juice
  • 5 cl soy sauce