The Istrian soup, typical of our tradition, was once food for peasants and farm workers. It’s cooked in the bukaleta

In this recipe Paulo Šverko, owner and chef of Restaurant Fančita in Vrsar, Istria – Croatia, cooks the famous Istrian Soup with Panettone Nerosale.

Click here if you want to learn more about Paulo Sverko. Also remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel, Loison Pasticceri: you will be updated for new video-recipes by Loison’s chefs!

The recipe
For this recipe you can read the instructions below or follow the video-recipe with the Chef’s advice and explanation.
  • Ingredients
  • 4 servings
  • 0,5 l Teran red wine
  • 1 sp sugar
  • 1 sp EVO
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 2 slices of Panettone Nerosale
Spice up the wine with a tablespoon of sugar, extra virgin olive oil and some pepper. Heat it slowly.
Meanwhile, toast the two slices of Panettone, then throw away the burnt pieces.
Pour the wine in the Bukaleta and dip the toasted Panettone in the hot wine.
The Bukaleta should be shared by all the guests, drinking straight from the jug.
I klitu!
  • Ingredients
  • 4 servings
  • 0,5 l Teran red wine
  • 1 sp sugar
  • 1 sp EVO
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 2 slices of Panettone Nerosale
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