Numeri Primi was founded in Bari in 2009 and has always been a wonderful flavor experience thanks to the careful selection of products from among the various Italian food excellences.
Since then, it has become well established in the area, reaching 6 points of sale in Bari, Brindisi and Monopoli.
In 2010, Dominga Caracciolo of Numeri Primi met Loison. It was love at first sight, both for the packaging designed by Sonia Design and for the refined taste, which together echo the Greek concept of "Kalòs kai Agathòs" or "Beautiful and good".
The Taste Corner
Numeri Primi, BariVia Oberdan, 63 70020 - Bitritto (Ba)+39 080 38 56 31www.numeriprimisrl.itOpening time: Lun-Sab: 8.00-21.00 / Dom: 9.00-13.30
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